zzAA"'<~¨ZZzz header_1
Here is the content of the paragraph...
Test H1 ok1 header_2
Another instance of H1
Test H1 ok2 header_3
ANd another
Local Ranking Factors
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Long dest bla-lba-bla
Test H1 ok3 header_4
How you write your header, or h1 tag, is going to be similar to how you wrote your title tag. Sometimes these can be the same, and that’s OK. Here are a few tips:
1. Put your header tag header_5
at the top of the page, preferably after the tag.
2. Are you targeting the keywords you wish to rank higher for? If not, go in and modify your tags slightly to include those words. If your h1 happens to be an image, use the image alt tag to add those juicy keywords.